While on an overnight field trip to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), we played a survival game based on the novel, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. We were split into 5 of the districts and had to choose items for our groups which we thought would be essential for survival. We then had to choose a location for our "base camp", which would help us lookout for our enemies as well as protect us from Natural Disasters.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Exciting FRIM!
What We Wanted
1. First Aid Kit- The First Aid Kit was essential in case someone got hurt or injured
2. Flint- To make fire (ward off wild animals/ cook meat)
3. Sleeping Bag- To keep warm during the night while we slept
4. Tarp- To create shelter during rain
5. Compass- To find our way in case we got lost
However, most of us did not get our items because, even though we were the 2nd group, the 1st group got the best things. I felt a bit annoyed and frustrated that we didn't get what we wanted.
What We Got
I did not think that it was very fair that after we were hot and sweaty, that we were made to perform. Also, we weren't very ready but overall, I think our dance was quite good. We made an original song about our district, and our dance was amusing taken from the movie, Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I think that the "Government" liked our song and dance because, hearing everyone else's rewards, I think ours was the best. We got a mirror that could be used as a signal, to start a fire, and to blind people.
Dangers, Wishes, and Strengths
In our group, there were a few dangers surrounding us. Firstly, there were groups all over, and they could have attacked us in many ways. Secondly, we were neither up or down the hill. I wish that we could have had shelter, everything that we wanted, and a machete. We were strong because we had the mirror, and although we couldn't get everything we wanted, we still managed to get some useful items.
Overall, this activity was quite fun. I could really make connections with the Hunger Games, and I really understood what Katniss (character in book) was going through. In FRIM, I realized that I like activities like this in FRIM , and I realized that I wasn't very scared or annoyed with the leeches and animals. FRIM was OK, because some of the activities were a bit boring. Advice to a student next year: Expect to be around nature, and to do nature, and school-related activities . Also expect some fun and good food!
Posted by Anonymous at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Lottery- Short Story
- Give a brief synopsis of the story (summary) - think BIG IDEAS so a few sentences please.
The Lottery is about an old tradition that a town has to draw names out of a box. However, the winner's prize is not necessarily good.... (this was written like a blurb)
- What would you have called the story (give it a title).
The Black Dot
- What did you think about the plot?
It was very confusing, and had a lot of suspense. It did not tell all the answers to the mysteries until the end, which I think made the story a bit annoying to read.
- Why do you think it was written that way? (It was deliberately confusing - why?)
In order to create suspense, which made the story a lot more interesting than if the writer had given all the answers in the beginning.
- How did you feel when the ending of the story was not given to you?
It was a bit annoying because I thought that was the end of the whole story, and I personally hate it when answers are not given in a story.
- How did you feel about the story?
It was very sad, and I didn't like it because of what happens in the end. I don't really like stories like this, because I prefer happier endings.
- Could you wait until you got home to open the paper?
Yes, because I wanted to open it right after class but I forgot, and I only remembered at home.
- How did that feel?
I didn't really feel anything because I forgot about it.
- What did you think about the fact that you had a black spot / or not?
I thought that the black spot meant that the words inside the paper were different for people (whether they had the black dot or not)
- What connections can you make to other readings, themes, units we have studied - or in fact any other knowledge that you have?
See answer to question below.
- How does it link to The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)?
In this story, it is a rule that the lottery has to be held, and although some people want to change the rule of holding the lottery, others want to stay with the tradition. This correlates with the Hunger Games, because there are many rules and regulations, and traditions (The Hunger Games), remain unchanged.
Posted by Anonymous at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Dominance- Profile C
In class, we learned about our learning styles, and ways that can help us learn and understand things more easily. I learned that I am a Profile C.
I learn best when I focus on auditory details, and I process this information by analysis, verbalization, or in writing. I tend to prefer structure and sequence when I am learning, because I am Logical/ Sequential. I am able to follow step by step visual instructions, and my movement tend to be planned.
I need to listen (I am an auditory learner), and explain verbally or in writing, because I learn best through Auditory (listening), Verbal (Speaking), or movement.
When I am in class, I should sit on the left side of the room , a couple of rows back, because my dominant ear is my right ear and sitting in this place help help "access" it. When under stress, I should close my eyes so I can hear better, because I have difficulty seeing details visually under stress.
Teachers should know that I am auditory, and even though it does not say in my profile, I also like visual learning. They should know that I am Logical/Sequential and like step-by-step instructions, rather that what Gestalt learners prefer.
My learning profile will help me understand myself better, and will help teachers in figuring out how I learn best, so that they can help me, and so that I can help myself more.
Posted by Anonymous at 11:50 PM 0 comments
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