While on an overnight field trip to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), we played a survival game based on the novel, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. We were split into 5 of the districts and had to choose items for our groups which we thought would be essential for survival. We then had to choose a location for our "base camp", which would help us lookout for our enemies as well as protect us from Natural Disasters.
What We Wanted
1. First Aid Kit- The First Aid Kit was essential in case someone got hurt or injured
2. Flint- To make fire (ward off wild animals/ cook meat)
3. Sleeping Bag- To keep warm during the night while we slept
4. Tarp- To create shelter during rain
5. Compass- To find our way in case we got lost
However, most of us did not get our items because, even though we were the 2nd group, the 1st group got the best things. I felt a bit annoyed and frustrated that we didn't get what we wanted.
What We Got
I did not think that it was very fair that after we were hot and sweaty, that we were made to perform. Also, we weren't very ready but overall, I think our dance was quite good. We made an original song about our district, and our dance was amusing taken from the movie, Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I think that the "Government" liked our song and dance because, hearing everyone else's rewards, I think ours was the best. We got a mirror that could be used as a signal, to start a fire, and to blind people.
Dangers, Wishes, and Strengths
In our group, there were a few dangers surrounding us. Firstly, there were groups all over, and they could have attacked us in many ways. Secondly, we were neither up or down the hill. I wish that we could have had shelter, everything that we wanted, and a machete. We were strong because we had the mirror, and although we couldn't get everything we wanted, we still managed to get some useful items.
Overall, this activity was quite fun. I could really make connections with the Hunger Games, and I really understood what Katniss (character in book) was going through. In FRIM, I realized that I like activities like this in FRIM , and I realized that I wasn't very scared or annoyed with the leeches and animals. FRIM was OK, because some of the activities were a bit boring. Advice to a student next year: Expect to be around nature, and to do nature, and school-related activities . Also expect some fun and good food!
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